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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/04/11
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, April 11, 2011

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith, Charlotte Brown, Sue Gottling, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

Ledge Pond Conservation Easement
Donna Nashawaty explained the need for this hearing. This public hearing was the 2nd of 2 required public hearings in order to acquire an easement of land. Under the statue the town legislative body, which is the Town Meeting, gave the job to the Board of Selectmen to acquire, sell or lease real estate. Donna Nashawaty went on to say there are a couple of things that must take place; 2 public hearings, input or comments from the Planning Board and Conservation Commission, which occurred at their last month meetings and  that 7 to 14 days after the 2nd public hearing the Board will vote to accept the easement. The Board will address this at the April 25th meeting. Van Webb, Chairman of the Conservation Commission stated that the Commission’s goal was to get permanent protection of the Ledge Pond Lot and the 2 buffer lots. The total acreage is 103 acres. Eileen Stiles asked if the land was still going to be owned by the Town of Sunapee and not be part of the Land Trust, Van Webb said Ausbon Sargent would monitor the activity of the land, but it would still be owned by the Town. After no other public comments,  
Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 7:07PM

Bruce Jennings Agreement
Donna Nashawaty summarized that this public hearing was number 2 of the required public hearings in order to acquire an easement of land. Under the statue the town legislative body, which is the Town Meeting, gave the job to the Board of Selectmen to acquire, sell or lease real estate. Donna Nashawaty went on to say there are a couple of things that must take place; 2 public hearings, input or comments from the Planning Board and Conservation Commission, which occurred at their last month meetings.
Bruce Jennings would like the Town to grant him an easement to access to his property from Treatment Plant Road. Gary Szalucka, on behalf of the Perkins Pond Protection Association urged the Board to agree to this easement. After no other public comments,  
Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 7:36PM

Covered Pedestrian Bridge
Chairman Gallup summarized that about 6 months ago the Town Manager informed the Board that the City of Dover had a pedestrian bridge that they were replacing with a vehicular bridge they were interested in selling. In March, the Town Manager informed the Board that the City of Dover would donated the bridge to the community with the most immediate funding and relocation plan. The Board of Selectmen authorized “a letter of intent” to be sent to the City of Dover. The Town Manager and Road Agent took a “field Trip” to inspect the bridge. The bridge was constructed in 1995 and has 3 sections totaling 154 feet. Two sections would be installed across the Sugar River from River Road connecting the Riverwalk are adjacent to the Harbor House Livery on Main St. The third section would be installed from the Coffin Park parking lot on High St. to Hames Park. Chairman Gallup opened the hearing to public comments. Some of the comments:

Doug Gamsby- Thinks the town could spend money on other things. Chairman Gallup stated that the funds for the bridge have come from private donations. Was an engineering study done? Donna Nashawaty- received the engineering plans from Dover. The same company that did the bridge on High St did the design work. The actual structure was a class project that HEB helped work on. The budget numbers to engineer bridge are budgeted in estimates. Bruce Jennings- Spoke with David Eckman, one of the student engineers who worked on the plans when the bridge was erected and also took the bridge apart. David Eckman didn’t see any problem with splitting the bridge up and said he would volunteer his time to the Town to help put the bridge back together.
Does the sewer line cross there? Yes, but according to Tony Bergeron the sewer line is submerged where the bridge will cross.
Ellie Goddard- Wanted to know more about the location of the bridge going from the parking lot to Hames Park. Chairman Gallup stated it would make sense if the bridge was positioned appropriately to make for the most convenient access to Hames Park and the river so it blends in nicely. Think the rending and thought are lovely, but also thinks there are much more important things that could be donated to the Town. Ellie walked around the area she refers to as “Sugar River Pond”, which she feels is a gentle area and wonders if the bridge might be too big or overpowering. Ellie doesn’t think the area is more than 3 quarters of a mile and from Pete’s Shed to the Information Booth there will be (including the 2 new bridges) 5 bridges in a small area. Ellie feels that the generous people that are donating for the bridges could donate the money to restore the Harbor House Livery to make it a useful building for the community.
Donna Gazelle- Speaking on behalf of the Harbor House Livery Committee, the committee is very interested as Ellie said in restoring the Harbor House Livery building. In 1985, Sunapee commissioned an adaptive use study; a pedestrian bridge across the river was said to be the first step in restoring the Harbor House Livery building and bringing vitally to the village.
Jo Hill- Is in favor of the bridge and thinks Ellie has a point about using the money to restore the building, but hopes that getting the bridge will another way of doing it.
Ron Garceau- Has been working on saving the Harbor House Livery since 1985, his first reaction was the bridge could be a catalyst that make people see the area differently and want to save that old building.
Brent Stocker-has lived in Sunapee his whole life. Has been to Dover to see the bridge, it’s a beautiful, well-constructed bridge. Brent feels it will make it more intimate with the Riverwalk. The Town has the lake and mountains, but also the river that is gorgeous. The Riverway has done a great job with the upkeep and making the Harbor look nice and this will help connect that down to Hames Park. Thinks it will help bring people to Sunapee.
Steve White-The Harbor House Livery doesn’t have parking now, but with the bridge there will be parking along River Road.
Sean Carroll- What is dimensions? Length 11 feet, Eave to Eave is 15 feet wide Inside 8 feet wide.
Walter Goddard- Has a hard time picturing the bridge at Hames Park. Where it would be on both sides of the river? How high it would be and how it would affect the setting? Perhaps before a decision was made that Tony could drive some stakes in for the height and location to get a clearer picture.
Tony Bergeron-Proposed location would be approximately at the end of the granite wall. The bridge would come to the lower level and not utilized the steps. Where the Hames Park sign is located. Tony will drive some stakes for the location and maybe a string in the air for the height.
Harry Gazelle-Agrees with the bridge project, the town has the money and the enthusiasm, think it’s doable. Change is good for the town as long as it’s in the interest of the town.    
Sean Carroll- Carroll Concrete would be interested in helping bring the (pieces) bridge to Sunapee. Sean also offered to store the bridge on the property of Carroll Concrete before it gets installed and the town could do the maintenance; paint bridge, while there.
Lee Ostrom- went to Dover to see the bridge, it’s a beautiful bridge. The timbers are huge; concerned by the areas it will be used in. Brent Stocker said the timbers need to be sized for the amount of people that will be on the bridge, the snow load. The Town of Dover probably paid several hundred thousand dollars; the bridge is well constructed and engineered for today’s specifications. Lee asked Brent with in that area with that river span it would be fitting? Brent responded he thought it would.   
Bill-Ostrom- I also was on that trip to Dover. There’s no question that the bridge is substantial, it is a wonderful structure. It lends itself well to being a third and two thirds.  The way it’s put together, with logically placed joints lends itself well with what needs to be done here.   
Betsy Webb- Maybe if the bridge looks too big or heavy or high the roof can be taken off.  
Donna Gazelle- Project Sunapee can accept the donations and in turn give them to the town and because Project Sunapee is a 501-c3 non-profit organization; can give the donors the tax deductible receipts for their records. In a few days, they have $43,000 in checks and additional promised pledges. Also, generous offers from Brent Stocker and Sean Carroll of equipment and time. The funds must be used for this project.
Bo Quackaboos- In favor of the bridge.
Lee Ostrom- Where are we at this point with the Town of Dover and the bridge?
Donna Nashawaty- the Board of Selectmen authorized Donna to send a preliminary offer of interest to Dover and as far as Donna knows the Town of Sunapee is the only one that has sent a letter of interest. On Friday, Donna contacted the Dover Town Manager regarding the public hearing and asked how to proceed; Dover’s Town Manager sent Donna an email; which stated that Manchester was sending a formal offer. The Council will way both. Also, there has been some interest by local residents to save the bridge in Dover, so to keep moving forward another formal letter indicating the funds are now in hand to complete the move and a schedule and date commitment of when it would leave Dover. The soonest the Council would be voting on the matter would be May 11th. If any of the Selectmen would like to come to the meeting to present the offer, not required, it will be Wednesday, May 11th at 7:00PM.  They might be willing to vote that night, but they might want to wait 30 days to have a public hearing and then vote on it June 8th.   

Donna Gazelle would like to present to the Town the donations up to monies that have been donated, which at this time is up to $35,000 from Project Sunapee for transportation from Dover to Sunapee. Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 8:31PM. Chairman Gallup asked the Board’s comments or thoughts on the bridge.
Selectman Brown likes the idea of the bridge by the Harbor House Livery, but questions the bridge by Hames Park. Selectman Brown feels it might overwhelm Hames Park even with the top off the bridge.
Emma Smith- only sees 3 negatives, wanted to thank Project Sunapee with following thru on the donations, which in itself tells you how many people want to see this happen.  
Sue Gottling- should not lose an opportunity. Has confidence in the people involved in this project and their judgments.
Chairman Gallup-has been a little critical regarding the Harbor House Livery program as a project that needed to stand on its own 2 feet and not put an additional burden on the taxpayers of the Town with a restoration project, but feels a pedestrian bridge in this area will help the potential of the Harbor House Livery building and increase the activity in the harbor, making it more pedestrian friendly. Worthwhile project to continue with the help of Project Sunapee.
Motion to accept donations up to $35,000 from Project Sunapee for transportation of bridge by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.  
Chairman Gallup directed the Town Manager to send a formal “letter of intent”

Chief Ruggles Sunapee Fire Department
Chief Ruggles asked the Board about purchasing a new fire truck. Chief Ruggles sent out 5 bids and received back 4 in his price range. Chief Ruggles made a spreadsheet of the trucks with the options that the truck committee and engineers wanted and came up with the HME truck, which came in roughly $12,000 less than the other truck bids. Chief Ruggles described the options that would be on the new truck. The price is $367,963.00 if the truck is paid for upfront, which saves almost $11,000 and a bond is placed on the purchase to protect the Town. The truck will be ready in 240 days. Selectman Smith asked if there was a capital reserve fund and Donna Nashawaty responded that there was and all the money needed was in the fund. Selectman Gottling asked how long the truck would last and Chief Ruggles stated 30 years with upgrades at 15 years. Ray DiGiovanni did some research and gave the details of the fire truck that he found on the internet. Chief Ruggles thanked Mr. DiGiovanni, but stated the fire truck he had found did not meet the criteria the truck committee and engineers were looking for in a new fire truck. Selectman Gottling asked how a person could get on the truck committee. Chief Ruggles said the committee is fire department personnel and started the search for a new fire truck last July.  Chairman Gallup thanked Mr. DiGiovanni for his input, but explained that the Board of Selectmen depend on the Fire Engineers and the truck committee to bring the Board the best available price for the equipment. Selectman Brown asked if the used market was looked at. Chief Ruggles said no, that the committee had certain criteria that it wanted in a pumper truck. Motion to accept proposal from Chief Ruggles to purchase a new fire truck by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor. Selectman Brown wanted to know how a resident could get on the truck committee. Donna Nashawaty explained that the Department Heads know what’s best for their needs, but it has to be kept in mind that the Town has an open door policy and are open to suggestions. Chairman Gallup thought Mr. DiGiovanni might want to join the Budget Committee or attend the Budget Meetings. Chairman Gallup suggested that Mr. DiGiovanni talked to Tony Bergeron and maybe help him do some research on equipment that he be purchasing at a future date. Donna Nashawaty explained that the Department Heads are on an equipment schedule and know what they will need 7 years down the road.

Selectmen Action
•Motion to accept the nomination of Mary Epremian to the Library Trustees Board by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor. All in Favor.
Agreement between the Town of Sunapee and the Town of Springfield regarding the transfer recycling facility. Donna Nashawaty will draw up the agreement for the Board to sign at the April 25th meeting.
Received a letter from the Anchorage Restaurant requesting permission to hold live entertainment for the 2011 season and to extend the service of alcohol to the outside patio section. Motion to approve the request from Anchorage Restaurant by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.

Town Manager’s Report
•Donna Nashawaty gave an overview of the outstanding legislation that affects town government: Block Grant Funding, Property Tax Interest Rate, Pole Tax, Spiking Bill, Vehicle Dealers/Vehicle Registrations and Retirement Reform. Donna Nashawaty urged the Board to read the Legislative Bulletin put out by the New Hampshire municipal Association.  
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the ambulance study on what the town expects for services and asked if any of the Board members would be interested in participating in an email survey from a town leader’s prospective; Emma Smith, Sue Gottling, Charlotte Brown and Fred Gallup. The Final Report will be done by September.
•Donna Nashawaty will be attending a tour of the Chittenden Solid Waste District on Thursday, April 17th.
•Donna Nashawaty wanted to remind the Board of the Green-up Day planned for Saturday, May 7th from 8:30-Noon.

Meeting adjourned at 9:36PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith